Percentage Change Calculator

Percentage Change Calculator
(New Value – Original Value) / Original Value * 100

What is the Percentage Change Calculator?

Our Percentage Change Calculator is a handy online tool designed to swiftly compute the percentage change between two values. It’s perfect for anyone who needs to quickly calculate the percentage increase or decrease between two numerical values.

How to Use the Percentage Change Calculator:

Using our tool is straightforward. Follow these simple steps:

  1. Enter the Original Value: Start by entering the original value into the designated input field.
  2. Enter the New Value: Next, input the new value into the corresponding input field.
  3. Click “Calculate”: Once both values are entered, click the “Calculate” button.
  4. View the Result: The tool will instantly calculate the percentage change and display it below the button.

Formulas Used:

Our Percentage Change Calculator employs the following formula to calculate the percentage change between two values:

Percentage Change(+-) = ((Value 2 - Value 1) /  Value 1)  X 100

This formula subtracts the original value from the new value to find the difference. Then, it divides this difference by the original value to determine the relative change as a decimal. Multiplying by 100 converts this decimal to a percentage, providing the final percentage change.


Let’s say you’re tracking the sales performance of a product. In January, you sold 500 units (Original Value), and in February, you sold 700 units (New Value). Using our tool:

  • Original Value: 500
  • New Value: 700

Upon clicking “Calculate,” the tool will reveal that there’s been a 40% increase in sales from January to February.

Our Percentage Change Calculator simplifies the process of calculating percentage changes, saving you time and effort. Whether you’re analyzing financial data, tracking performance metrics, or conducting research, this tool will streamline your workflow and provide accurate results instantly.

Ready to give it a try? Head over to our website and start calculating percentage changes with ease!